Tips: How to Get Through the Semester

PSU Guide to Remote Learning

Reach Out When You Need Help

There’s no shame in asking for help! Contact the PSU Berks Learning Center with any academic concerns you may have. Please see the resources tab for more information on mental health care.

Establish a functional workspace & Limit Distractions

Sometimes creating a workspace can help you get into a working or productive mindset. Remote learning can be challenging for many reasons but having an organized workplace shouldn’t be. Designate an area in your house, apartment or room to accomplish your school work. Ideally, this space should be away from distractions. However, everyone’s ideal workspace will look different.

Create a Schedule and Stick to a Routine

Healthy routines can help reduce anxiety, stress and depression. Additionally, routines may help increase focus and concentration, which leads to productivity and success.

Take Breaks When Needed & Set Goals 

It’s important to give your brain a rest now and then, it could help you process information better. Breaks also provide an opportunity to distract yourself from stressors and helps prevent burnout. Taking effective breaks will allow you to feel more energized and help maintain your concentration.

computer and notebook on a table


Popa, T. A., & Ladea, M. (2012). Nutrition and depression at the forefront of progress. Journal of Medicine & Life, 5(4), 414–419.